
  • Culture Add vs. Culture Fit: Steps in Intentional Design of Workplace Culture

Culture Add vs. Culture Fit: Steps in Intentional Design of Workplace Culture

Workday recently spent millions on a Superbowl Ad encouraging HR Leaders to stop calling each other “Rock Stars” on the job and in their job descriptions. Why is that an issue? Because there is no common understanding of what that means inside an office environment and using an unclear term actually makes it much more difficult to fill openings. But more importantly, it’s a problem because it’s implicitly biased. Why Does Culture Add vs. Culture Fit Matter? We’ve been looking at different aspects of implicit bias–areas where our unconscious bias begins to leak into our thoughts ...

2023-03-07T19:22:08+00:00March 3rd, 2023|Belonging, Cognitive Biases, Inclusive Leadership, Unconscious Bias|
  • Implicit vs Unconscious Bias - image of brain inside a social construct universe created by AI online tool

What Is The Difference Between Implicit And Unconscious Bias?

We often hear these terms - unconscious bias and implicit bias - as synonyms, but there is tremendous value in distinguishing between the two. In DEI work, I see companies using terms without having a common understanding of their meaning, leading both to the illusion of agreement and the illusion of disagreement based on slightly different understandings of the same word (think “Diversity”, “Equity”, “Inclusion” as obvious examples). I see this happen with unconscious and implicit bias frequently. Even though they are often used interchangeably, understanding the difference leads to better mitigation strategies and better organizational performance ...

2023-03-06T17:27:32+00:00February 7th, 2023|Cognitive Biases, Social Biases, Unconscious Bias|
  • The Future is Feminine: Embracing Change to Deconstruct Gender Bias in the Workplace

The Future is Feminine: Embracing Change to Deconstruct Gender Bias in the Workplace

In the 21st century (from 2000-2022), women have seen a dramatic rise in the workplace. Compelling societal and workplace trends indicate women are a rising force and gaining more power.  Women Earn More Bachelor's Degrees Than Men  More Mothers Than Ever Are Primary or Sole Earners In Their Household 40% of US businesses are women-owned businesses.  These trends indicate that women are gaining agency, power, and flow. They are shaping workplace cultures to be more inclusive and include a greater sense of belonging. And yet, with so much progress, persistent headwinds resist these social and cultural evolutionary ...

2023-09-02T17:45:08+00:00October 21st, 2022|Cognitive Biases, Institutional Biases, Social Biases, Unconscious Bias|
  • Bias in Real Estate - This picture depicts a group of individual people with the same colors in one circle

Bias in Real Estate: It May Be What You Think

This article written by Matthew J. Cahill was original published on Sometimes change is thrust upon us. Think COVID-19. In January of 2020, most people’s closest association with Corona was beer. The general consensus was that the virus would be just another passing news story. Something may happen “out there” but it will not have any real or material impact on our lives. As any professional associated with the real estate industry knows, the impact went way beyond virtual home tours and fluctuating interest rates. This picture depicts a group of individual people with the ...

  • How to Use Coaching to Recruit, Retain and Develop Top Talent

The Coaching Advantage: How to Use Coaching to Recruit, Retain and Develop Top Talent

One astonishing impact of the pandemic was what we refer to as “the great resignation,” the “great reshuffle,” or “the great attrition.” Whatever you call it, over 47 million Americans quit their jobs in 2021. And the trend is not letting up. According to a Mckinsey study, two out of five employees are considering leaving their job in the next three to six months and one in five workers say they’d take a new job for the same pay.For employers to remain competitive, they must shift their thinking and find new ways to retain employees. One emerging employee ...

2023-04-10T22:52:15+00:00July 17th, 2022|Belonging, COVID-related, Inclusive Leadership|
  • Confronting Work Conflicts in an Empowering & Respectful Way

Confronting Work Conflicts in an Empowering & Respectful Way

When tensions in the workplace are on the rise, our tendency to avoid, ignore, or downplay the issue is never the right decision. Learning how to proactively manage conflicts in a constructive and empowering way offers more than just temporary workplace peace. Your staff is the lifeblood of your company, and by taking appropriate action to address conflicts with care, you preserve company morale, improve retention rates, and establish an environment that encourages communication and teamwork. While these benefits sound great, it can be difficult to imagine a peaceful resolution when a confrontation. Instead of reacting to a ...

2023-03-06T18:26:10+00:00June 23rd, 2022|Belonging|
  • Accepting & Handling Your Own Unconscious Bias

Accepting & Handling Your Own Unconscious Bias

Any time you unconsciously judge, label, or categorize based on preconceived notions like race, gender, or behavior, your bias has just guided your perceptions or decisions. We all do it, and it often happens so fast that we don’t even register the occurrence. The underlying beliefs remain and can have lasting negative consequences when left unchecked. Bias is different from belief. Unconscious Biases are a byproduct of how our brains process information. Unconscious Biases Affect Our Personal & Professional Lives While the majority of unconscious biases may not lead to physical violence or overt issues, they can, over ...

2023-03-06T18:29:43+00:00May 31st, 2022|Unconscious Bias|
  • 5 Essential Traits of an Inclusive Leader

5 Essential Traits of an Inclusive Leader

Today, leaders from nearly every industry and across the world are plagued by how to recruit, develop and retain talent effectively.  In a 2021 global leadership forecast study by Development Dimensions International, a survey of 15,000 CEOs and 2,100 HR professionals from 1,700 organizations across 24 industries and 50 countries, 55% cited “developing the next generation of leaders” and “attracting and retaining talent” as their most significant challenges.  Over the next decade, Millennials and Gen Z will make up nearly 60% of the workforce. To effectively recruit and develop this next generation, leaders must first understand what ...

2023-09-02T17:47:13+00:00May 23rd, 2022|Belonging, Inclusive Leadership|

You Belong Here: Four Key Components to Building a Culture of Belonging For Your Organization

Continue reading or listen to the article read by Ed Calder. “Diversity is being invited to the dance. Inclusivity is being asked to dance. Belonging is dancing like no one is watching.” - Verna Myers Over the past twenty years, the concepts of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) have emerged as a vital element of business strategy. Initially introduced to corporate America as something to tolerate, organizational leaders are now waking up to the ROI of diversity in the workplace. To retain a diverse workforce requires building an inclusive culture. And building an inclusive culture ...

2023-10-25T22:52:50+00:00March 2nd, 2022|Belonging, Inclusive Leadership, Virtual Leadership|
  • Brainwashed or Brainless? Five Fundamentals to Help You Lead Through Polarizing Conversations

Brainwashed or Brainless? Five Fundamentals to Help You Lead Through Polarizing Conversations

We’ve all been there. An argument at the Thanksgiving dinner table between family members.  A blowout about politics, current affairs, the President’s performance, schools, kids these days. It’s as American as apple pie. But today, the divisiveness feels more pervasive than ever. COVID, climate change, voting processes, law enforcement, the economy, international engagement, abortion, social justice, the CDC, even Dr. Seuss. These days, a conversation around any political topic can be a wrecking-ball of relationship-ending opinions held by people we care about, work with or interact within the community. The increased division we are experiencing isn’t the ...

2023-03-06T18:43:12+00:00January 28th, 2022|Cognitive Biases, COVID-related, Inclusive Leadership, Unconscious Bias|